1. Postur Tubuh : badan tegak, berdiri kemas dan pandang depan
2. Eye Contact : pandang mata (eyeball to eyeball, menampakkan kesungguhan dan pamer minat)
3. Senyuman : menunjukkan kita mudah didekati, ramah dan orang mudah rasa selesa dengan kita
4. Grooming & Penampilan Diri : cara berkomunikasi dan cara pembawaan

People generally remember :
• 90% of what we say & as they do a thing (stimulate, model or experience a lesson, design/perform a presentation – do a real thing… analyze, design, create & evaluate)
• 70% of what they say & write (participate in hands on workshop, design collaborative lessons – do a real thing… sama spt di atas)
• 50% of what they hear and see (attend exhibition/sites, watch a demonstration… demonstrate, apply & practice).
• 30% of what they see (view images, watch videos… demonstrate, apply & practice)
• 20% of what they hear (hear… define, describe, list & explain)
• 10% of what they read (reading.. define, describe, list & explain)

1. Tonjolkan diri dengan yakin
2. Sesuaikan diri dengan suasana
3. Hormati hak orang lain
4. Jaga pertuturan
5. Jaga tatatertib
6. Dandanan diri
7. Bersih
8. Ramah
9. Beradab
10.Hormati org lain
11.Senyum selalu
12.Jaga kesihatan
13.Adab makan
14.Peka hal ehwal semasa
15.Jangan malas…
16.Pakaian yang sesuai
17.Rendah diri
18.Bahasa tubuh (body language)sesuai
19.Kongsi idea dan pendapat
20.Ucapan – terima kasih, tolong, maaf…
1 comment:
First impressions is one way of 'selling' oneself along with the package of his/her credibility.
Thank you for the additional info ;)
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