In the largest study of chemical exposure ever conducted on human beings, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported recently that most American children and adults are carrying in their bodies dozens of pesticides and toxic compounds used in consumer products, many of them linked to potential health threats. The report documented that children carry bigger doses of many chemicals than adults, including some pyrethroids that are ingredients of virtually every household pesticide and phthalates found in nail polish and other beauty products as well as in soft plastics.
VIRGIN COCONUT OIL has been shown to neutralize a variety of toxins includingthe deadly aflatoxin
The study looked for 148 toxic compounds in the urine and blood of about 2,400 people over age 5. Environmental health experts say the discovery of more than 100 chemicals in human bodies is of great concern because we don’t know what affect they can have on the body. Many environmental health experts believe the rise in cancer and other chronic diseases over the past several decades is due, in part, to the accumulation of these chemicals in our bodies. However, removing pesticides, plastic bottles, make-up and other items won’t be happening anytime soon. The best solution to the problem is to remove the toxins from our bodies. Certain foods such as cilantro, wheat bran and coconut have detoxifying effects that can absorb or neutralize environmental chemicals that collect in our bodies. Simply adding these detoxifying foods into our diet can help eliminate many of the toxins we are exposed to each day. Virgin coconut oil is of particular interest because it has been shown to be highly effective in neutralizing many environmental toxins.

(gambar contoh)
A recent study published in the Journal of Human and Experimental Toxicology (August 2005) revealed the effectiveness of coconut oil in neutralizing aluminum phosphide, a poison used in rodent control. A case study reported that a 28 year old man ingested a lethal amount of the chemical in an attempt to commit suicide. There is no known antidote for aluminum phosphide poisoning and doctors had little hope of saving him. He was given the standard treatment for acute poisoning as well as the oral administration of coconut oil. To the surprise of the medical staff, the patient survived. The authors of the study recommend that virgin coconut oil be added to the treatment protocol in acute poisoning cases.
Using virgin coconut oil to help nullify the effects of a poison is not as strange as it may sound. Researchers have known for over a decade about the detoxifying effects of virgin coconut oil.
In the book ‘Coconut Cures: Preventing and Treating Common Health Problems with Coconut’, Dr Bruce Fife, ND cites several studies where virgin coconut oil has been shown to neutralize a variety of toxins including the deadly aflatoxin.

Using virgin coconut oil in your daily diet can help protect you from a variety of environmental toxins. You can even take it by the spoonful like a dietary supplement. A quality brand of coconut oil tastes very good and is even pleasant to eat straight from a spoon.
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